Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Searching for an Everyday Sacredness...

I have always been a bit of a mystic. In the last decade of the cold war between religion and science, I have usually found myself on the side of the Divine in most arguments. I have always known that there is something out there, something beyond us, that science cannot fully explain. This has shaped my worldview at every turn of the way. 

I have always seen God, in some form or fashion, in everything. I see Him everywhere, and I realize that nothing is mundane; everything has eternal and spiritual significance. Still, people are usually polarized into one of three camps, regardless of the faith they claim to follow: either scientific secularism, extreme fundamentalism, or warm and mushy spirituality. I respect secularism for its searing question and relentless pursuit of hard fact, always wanting to get to the bottom of things. Fundamentalists are admirable for their adherence to creeds, as well as their courage, and spiritualists are to be commended for their ability to see the divine in everyday moments. Still, as Plato would so put it, the truth is in the mean. We need to be rational, while still seeking to adhere to God's tenets, and we most certainly need to see the Divine in our daily lives, but the healthy alternative is to find a balance in all three.

My prayer for my life is to find a balance, to combine the strengths of each mindset into a fourth way, to practice my faith in Christ as not only a system of beliefs, but as a lifestyle that spills over into everything that I set my hand to; to find an everyday sacredness.

I hope that you will join me on this journey. I will be including a lot of my studies, notes, thoughts, and prayers, as well as songs and sermons, that I hope will turn into a discussion that we can all have together through this blog about God and how we can get to closer to him...

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